Heart of Arts [HOA] is a community art space/gallery in the middle of Carterton. We are a large collective of local people who contribute art in the form of paintings, sculpture, repurposed items, prints and jewellery. We are a very committed and enthusiastic team with a core of seven committee members and around 25 volunteers. We are cultural, we are creative, and we are people-centred. Although based in Carterton, contributing artists and volunteers hail from greater Wairarapa.
HOA is available to everyone, we make no judgement or critique of artists’ work. Apart from aiming to be financially viable, we promote art at every level. Our youngest contributor is 13 and our eldest 86.
See more about us on our lively Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/heartofartscarterton
We like to have some unruly fun along the way and recently held a cardboard sculpture workshop where a group of us created some very interesting structure, which we will ceremoniously burn on a bonfire in coming days.
Heart of Arts was formed in 2016 under the umbrella of Toi Wairarapa Trust which was set up to facilitate, support and advise on the region’s arts, culture and heritage activities through advocacy, connections and training services. Toi Wairarapa was initially funded by the three district Wairarapa councils. From 2016 Carterton District Council provided the main funding support. Greg Ariell of Property Brokers pledges $500 for each house sale [on condition that the seller asks Greg to give HOA the money].
In May 2018 Heart of Arts became an incorporated society.
HOA is housed in an historic wooden building with large old-world windows. The double red doors open into a spacious gallery carrying the work of up to 70 local artists. It’s got a relaxed feel to it, plus comfortable couches from which to peruse the work.
Artists who have moved to the Wairarapa will find both an outlet for their work and a vibrant arts community to participate in. The ethos is one of ‘all hands on deck’ helping to run the gallery and sell each other’s work. We encourage artists to help market the gallery and to take some responsibility for marketing their own work.
As a busy arts collective, HOA also achieves an educational role. Artists meet artists, artists view each other’s work, artists hold workshops to make art accessible for everyone at a reasonable cost. We have a group who meet regularly at the gallery to share ideas and work on their own projects.
We hold regular monthly exhibition openings and occasional social events.
We hold a hui fortnightly at 1pm on a Thursday for volunteers to meet with one another and share insights into running of the organisation.
As well as participating in September’s Daffodil Day, HOA usually holds one or two fundraising exhibitions each year. We’ve been holding a “found art” exhibition for the last two years. This is an exhibition of artworks found in op shops, garage sales and people’s attics. A fun event that includes an auction of some of the more interesting pieces found.
We run a bi-annual fundraiser “Heartbeats” which is small canvasses for sale for a small price. Last year this event was richly supported by locals and by the business community. Our next Heartbeats fundraiser will be held in 2019.
Phone contacts: Des Heath [Treasurer] 063796483
Opening hours: Tues – Fri 10 – 5; Sat, Sun, public holidays 10 – 2; closed Mondays.
As an aside: we think HOA is appropriately named. The word ‘hoa’ in Maori means ‘friend[s]’ which is very apt for our warm and welcoming Gallery.